CHIPPING Campden Society has taken the first step towards building a controversial new car park for the town - but their actions have alarmed local residents.

The society sent a bulldozer on to Wolds End Orchard on Monday, the site for the car park, but surprised neighbours have accused the society of reneging on its "cast iron guarantee" that no work will be done without their involvement.

Residents worried at the loss of the orchard are angry that the Society has pressed ahead with its car park scheme even though there is no funding available for it. The original plan was to build some houses on the site to sell and cover the costs, but planning permission was refused for them - although permission was granted for the car park.

During the planning process, the society gave a public undertaking that hedges and landscaping would be planted in accordance with residents' wishes.

Residents' spokesman, Mike Newman, said: "We are very concerned by the total lack of consultation and the damage to wildlife habitats.

"The Campden Society was high-handed throughout the planning process. Sadly it seems their undertaking to consult us was just window-dressing to impress the council."

However, Sally Lindner, chairman of the society, hit back, saying details had been included in the society's newsletter sent to members around the town.

"We are restoring the orchard, which has been neglected for many years," she said.

"We own the land, as of five weeks ago, and work is taking place to restore the boundaries - but in order to see the boundaries we are having to remove all the brambles. A lot of work needs to be done as some of the trees have died."

All she would say on the car park issue was that construction would not begin for the moment.

Chipping Campden Mayor, Cllr Chris Jones, has called for calm over the site. He said: "Car parking is a most divisive issue in Chipping Campden. We can only move forward by concensus based on clear evidence of need and sound economics."

The construction costs of a car park are estimated at £600,000.