BLOCKLEY village is within the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

We therefore suggest that it is an unsuitable location for a large development of modern houses, however carefully designed.

The proposed Cala Homes development is too large for this small community to assimilate without causing seriously detrimental effects related to social cohesion.

The negative visual impact on this unspoiled area would be impossible to reverse or minimise.

The proposed development site has also been recommended for green space designation and inclusion in the Blockley Conservation Area by the parish council.

It has extensive long views through or across it, historical associations, and is in sight of long-distance national trails, enjoys widespread community support and is a key part of the essential setting for this village.

The housing estate will ruin our AONB, despoil the setting of the village conservation area and threaten Blockley’s tourist economy.

Mr and Mrs Ian Cook
