Bourton Roadrunners have kept busy this weekend, with athletes taking part in a flurry of races across the planet.

Four runners took part in marathon, half marathon and 10-kilometre races in Worcester, which was organised in support of St Richard's Hospice.

Lorna Shawcross took on the 26.2 miler, running across picturesque rural lanes before crossing the finish line at Worcester Rugby Club in a time of four hours, 36 minutes and 50 seconds.



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Meanwhile, Darren Long and Maxine Emes ran the city's half marathon in one hour, 26 minutes and 50 seconds and one hour, 44 minutes and 42 seconds, respectively.

Additionally, Sharon Rees took part in the 10-kilometre race, clocking a time of one hour, 14 minutes and three seconds.

Elsewhere, three Roadrunners participated in an event at Blenheim Palace at the weekend.

An accessible seven kilometre race, the route took the runners through palace grounds and lake paths.

Lisa Braid, Giles Canning, and Imogen Cox ran side by side, completing the race in 49 minutes and 43 seconds, 49 minutes and 44 seconds, and 49 minutes and 45 seconds, respectively.

Iain and Claire Cox took on the 16-mile Compton Downland Challenge.

The Berkshire route is notorious for over 1,000 feet of climbs, which were successfully completed by both runners.

Despite a tumble near the end, Iain completed the race in two hours and 39 minutes, while Claire finished in two hours and 30 minutes.

Claire Carroll ran in the Florida Keys 100-mile relay.

Despite recently recovering from long-term injuries, the photography enthusiast's all-female team, Salty Coconuts, which was made up of members aged between 24 and 62, worked together to deal with the tropical weather and humidity.

Finishing second overall, the team completed the challenge by crossing the line together in a time of 17 hours and 23 seconds.

Roadrunners also took on a range of park runs across the planet, including Cannon Hill, Birmingham; Cheltenham Pittville Park; Chipping Norton School; Evesham; Hove Promenade; Navan, Ireland; Newport, Wales; Old Deer Park; Seven Fields; South Bank, Australia; Stratford-upon-Avon, and Tamworth Castle.