When neighbours cannot agree on where one property starts and the other ends, the resulting dispute is legally known as a boundary dispute.

Examples of problems could be a wall that needs repairing or who should front the cost of replacing a fence.

Unfortunately, these disputes are known to flare up tempers depending on the relationship between the neighbours.

In these cases, the problems are rarely addressed promptly to the detriment of each party.

So, with that in mind, you need to be aware of the laws surrounding boundary disputes, and how you can go about it reasonably.

Citizens Advice states: "Before you can solve the problem, you need to know where the boundary between your homes is.

"This will help you to understand whose property the wall or fence is on or whether it’s shared between you.

"The best way to find out is to check the legal documents you got when you bought your home.

"You can buy the documents from the Land Registry if you don’t have them - it doesn't cost a lot.

"It might be a good idea to buy the documents for your neighbour’s home too - they might give information that’s not covered in yours.

Cotswold Journal: If you and your neighbour disagree about a wall or fence, there are things you can do to solve the problem (Getty)If you and your neighbour disagree about a wall or fence, there are things you can do to solve the problem (Getty) (Image: Getty)

"If you’re disagreeing with your neighbour about where the boundary is, you can get help from RICS - they work with surveyors who can help with property problems."

Here below is what the government has to say on the legality behind wall disputes:

High hedges, trees and boundaries

You must try to settle a dispute about a high hedge informally before the council can intervene.

Ask your council for a complaint form if the hedge is all of these:

  • 2 or more mostly evergreen or semi-evergreen trees or shrubs
  • over 2 metres tall
  • affecting your enjoyment of your home or garden because it’s too tall

You might have to pay the council a fee to consider your complaint.

When you can trim hedges or trees

You can trim branches or roots that cross into your property from a neighbour’s property or a public road.

You can only trim up to the property boundary. If you do more than this, your neighbour could take you to court for damaging their property.

If you live in a conservation area, or the trees in the hedge are protected by a ‘tree preservation order’, you might need your council’s permission to trim them.

If your property borders a road

The highway authority can ask you to cut back hedges or trees on your property if they’re obstructing the road.

If you refuse, they can go into your property without your permission to do the work themselves - they may charge you for this.

Property damage from hedges

Your neighbour is responsible for maintaining their hedges so they do not, for example, damage your property or grow too high.

If they do damage your property, your neighbour may be liable.

Boundaries and shared (‘party’) walls

Disputes about the exact boundary between 2 properties can be difficult to solve so get legal advice.

You must give notice to your neighbour if you are going to do work on a shared (‘party’) wall.

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has free advice on boundary disputes and party walls (the walls you share with your neighbours).