A mother of three has revealed how joining a weight loss group has changed both her personal and professional life.

Anna Hubbard, who joined the Chipping Norton Slimming World group the day she returned to work after maternity leave, has described how her decision to lose weight has been a life-changing experience.

After seeing a reflection of herself in a car wing mirror, Mrs Hubbard was prompted to make a change.

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She said: "I remember feeling devastated and ashamed of how I looked.

"My young family had been my sole focus for so long, I seemed to have lost sight of myself."

Motivated by a desire to be fit and healthy for her young family as well as herself, she joined the group.

Supported by her mother-in-law, who was already a member, and her consultant, Mrs Hubbard's weight loss journey began.

She said: "Losing three stone in six months feels beyond fabulous.

"Losing weight week-on-week was such a buzz, motivating me to keep going."

Despite obstacles during lockdown, Mrs Hubbard managed to stay on course and achieve her goal weight.

She said: "I gained weight during lockdown but l needn’t have worried because with the fabulous support of my wonderful Slimming World group I went on to achieve my goal weight.”

Throughout her weight loss journey she has received multiple awards, including 'Miss Slinky' and was nominated for 'Woman of the Year'.

Mrs Hubbard said: "It's about changing your mindset, and believing in yourself.

"Thanks to attending a weekly Slimming World group, receiving that very special personal and caring support, I feel I have found myself again."

Now, Mrs Hubbard is starting a new adventure as a Slimming World Consultant, running her own group at the Chipping Norton Baptist Church at 8.30am on Saturdays.

She said: "It’s an absolute privilege to be able to help even more members to feel empowered to be the person they truly want to be, and able to change their lives in the way Slimming World has helped me change mine.

"If I can do it, anyone can and I’m going to be there to help make it happen.”