Shipston Recycling Centre has bolstered its security in response to a recent break-in that witnessed money stolen from the partnered Age UK Warwickshire reuse shop.

The Brailles Road-based recycling centre shares premises with the charity shop that retails quality donated items diverting from landfill, and supports elderly community services.

Cllr Heather Timms, Warwickshire County Council’s portfolio holder for environment, climate and culture, said: "I was saddened to hear about the theft from Age UK’s reuse shop. The work that the council does in partnership with Age UK is a fabulous example of being a good partner and achieving the absolute most you can, by combining resources.

"It supports the county’s goal of reducing waste going to landfill while it gives Age UK the opportunity to raise funds to support their excellent work in the community with some of our older residents which, in turn, alleviates some of the pressure on the council for our services.

"I’d like to thank officers from the council’s estates section who have worked quickly to secure the site so that this outstanding work can continue."