Ukrainian musicians impacted by Russia's invasion will be playing at an upcoming event in Shipston.

The event, on Tuesday, June 4, organised by Shipston and District Literary Society, will feature Professor Iryna Starovoyt, a renowned poet and visiting professor at Oxford University who will return from a trip to Ukraine just days before.

Professor Starovoyt hails from Lviv, Ukraine, and her firsthand experience will give attendees insights into the situation on the frontline.


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Society chairman Trev Trevethick said: "We quietly put the word out to the Ukrainian community over here asking if there were some musicians among them willing to provide incidental music at times during the evening."

He added: “The response was amazing.

"We had offers ranging from a children's rock band that plays in English and Ukrainian, through folk musicians to piano, guitar, and accordion players."

Professor Starovoyt has represented Ukraine at major literary festivals throughout Europe.

The poet will discuss the current situation in her homeland Mr Trevethick.

The event will take place at Townsend Hall, with a start time of 7.30pm.

Following a break after the dialogue, the audience will delve into Professor Starovoyt's work, with a reading of some of her poetry in English.

Funds raised at the event will go towards buying Ukrainian books for displaced children in the UK, which aims to keep the children connected to their culture until they can return home.

It will also help supply children's books to replace those destroyed during the invasion.

Tickets, each priced at £8, are available online and also from Clarke’s Electrical in Shipston.

Sponsored tickets can be purchased for Ukrainian nationals who might not be able to attend otherwise.

Any surplus from the sponsored ticket funds will be allocated to the book donation drive.

The event will also feature a raffle.