Residents have been asked to help shape the council's approach to the design of future build developments.

Cotswold District Council is set to engage residents in the Local Plan Design Code Consultation, which seeks to understand what worked well in recent housing developments, what could have been improved upon, and the residents' favorite aspects of their area.

Councillor Juliet Layton, cabinet member for planning and regulatory services, said: "Design really matters when it comes to new developments.


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"It isn’t just about how housing looks, but how energy efficient it is, and how it impacts on wellbeing.

"It’s about how new developments work practically. Is there plenty of space for children to play, are there adequate places to walk and cycle, is it easy to access the services you need?

"These are important, practical considerations for new developments in the future."

The consultation will involve residents' perspectives on various facets of new housing, including affordability, and how their residential area contributes to their health and well-being.

Quality greenspace and public spaces that foster health and well-being are among the relevant considerations.

Councillor Layton added importance to climate change by stating: "Climate change has become ever more important, and the consultation focuses on updating the Code to consider whether new developments have properly considered how people can move around using other ways than driving."

The design of houses and their impact in terms of energy efficiency and biodiversity are also aspects that the consultation seeks to review.

The aesthetics and the quality of homes, as well as the preservation of heritage buildings, are stated as important factors.

Residents living in parts of the Cotswolds where houses have been developed over the last two decades will be directly invited to take part through a postcard sent in the mail.

The consultation can also be accessed on the council's website until Sunday, March 31.

It aims to collect views on the suitability of new builds, from a green perspective, meeting climate change norms, while also ensuring the satisfaction and wellbeing of the residents.