THOUSANDS cheered and wowed at Moreton's light switch on after its old 'embarrassing' decorations got replaced.

An estimated 5,000 people came to celebrate the return of Moreton's Christmas light switch throughout the day after the town went without last year due to its decorations going into disrepair. 

Almost £20,000 was raised by Moreton in Marsh Christmas Lights committee to replace its 'embarrassing' decorations, which had either stopped working or gone dim.

Cotswold Journal: The Christmas market took place throughout the day.The Christmas market took place throughout the day. (Image: Neil Sullivan)Residents and businesses have rallied together for the past two years to raise the sum and on Saturday (November 25), they finally got to reap the benefits. 

Andy Everson of the Moreton in Marsh Christmas Lights Committee said: "It was fantastic and possibly one of the best Christmas markets ever.

Cotswold Journal: People flocked to Moreton to see their new lights.People flocked to Moreton to see their new lights. (Image: Neil Sullivan)"It was a wonderful feeling to switch them on and the combination of hard work, not from me but from the whole committee, was great.

"It was great to see the look on people's faces and there was a big cheer when they turned on. Some even wowed."

Cotswold Journal: Various parts of the town turned into a winter wonderland.Various parts of the town turned into a winter wonderland. (Image: Moreton Christmas Lights Committee)Moreton's annual lights switch-on event was forced not to switch on half of its Christmas lights in 2022 due to "embarrassment."

Nearly two kilometres of new lights had been purchased and installed down the High Street ahead of the big day.

Cotswold Journal: Market stools sold various potential Christmas presents.Market stools sold various potential Christmas presents. (Image: Katie Udell Fine Art)"Everyone was saying how beautiful the new lights are and how they complement the town, said Mr Everson.

"Everyone preferred the lights to the old ones and said how much better they are."

Cotswold Journal: Visitors shopped to live music. Visitors shopped to live music. (Image: Katie Udell Fine Art)This year, children from St Davids Primary School have been taking part in a poster competition to design the Moreton in Marsh Christmas Lights committee logo.

The winning artist was nominated to switch on Moreton's new Christmas lights. 

Cotswold Journal: How the town looked after the crowds left.How the town looked after the crowds left. (Image: Moreton Christmas Lights Committee)Six-year-old Darcie Jefferies, the lucky artist who switched on this year's lights, looked over the moon as she kick-started Christmas in the town.

However, raising money to replace the lights was only the first step in the community's plans.

Next year, the Moreton in Marsh Christmas Lights committee hope to decorate ten big Christmas trees in the town and will be looking to start fundraising for this soon.