A FURTHER WARNING was sent over 'traffic disruption' at a major hospital. 

This follows a recent warning over the potential disruption at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital for building works - these are due to end today, Friday, November 4. 

But from Monday, November 7 further building work at GRH is likely to cause significant disruption and possible queues around the site. 

This is due to tarmacking of the blue light ambulance route on site, which means that emergency ambulances will be coming onto the site via the same entrance as the Tower Car Park. 

There may be significant queues for staff accessing the Tower Car Park at peak times between 8am and 9am and at shift changeover times. 

Patients and visitors are advised to allow extra time to get to their appointments. 

Patients and those dropping patients for appointments at the atrium should use the Therapies entrance. 

Pedestrian access to the Atrium remains open. 

Pedestrians and Cars should take extra care accessing the GRH site

Emergency Department access for patient drop-offs: 

You will be able to turn into the site to drop a patient but you cannot park or wait and will be directed to turn around.

Wheelchairs will be provided where indicated on map 1 for those unable to walk. 

See website for map 1 and further details - bit.ly/3sXHbl6