The Cotswold MP has fiercely condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Russian forces launched a major assault on the country, firing missiles on cities and military bases yesterday.

The invasion by land, air and sea began after a TV address where Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded that Ukraine’s military lay down its arms.

Cotswolds MP Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown said Putin’s actions would bring economic and physical hardship on his own people and the rest of the world.

He denounced Mr Putin’s actions as completely illegal under international law.

Sir Clifton-Brown said Russia was using military aggression on a sovereign, democratic nation, playing 19th-century grand empire politics in the 21st-century world when we have far more sophisticated ways to carry out international relations.

“We need to supply and continue to re-supply Ukraine forces with the equipment they need to defend themselves for as long as necessary.

“We need hard economic sanctions in line with our Western allies, to target the vast personal wealth of Putin and his allies.

“Individuals and businesses will be hit, but I believe harsh sanctions now will have the greatest impact.

“We must go further, I have called for emergency legislation to go through Parliament to deal with sovereign debt and the dollar exchange.

“We should immediately put a stop to certain Russian bank transactions, suspending the SWIFT payment system.

“We are here for our Ukrainian friends, and we must continue to keep in communication with President Zelensky, who has acted admirably and calmly led his nation so far in this crisis.”