A CAMPAIGN to tackle domestic violence over the Christmas and New Year has been launched by Gloucestershire police.

The campaign will run until Sunday, January 6, and is based on research showing a link between increased alcohol consumption and a rise in violent crime, which includes domestic offences.

Detective Inspector Ruth Mather said it was regrettable that such a campaign was necessary during what should ordinarily be a season of goodwill and joy.

She said: "Christmas is traditionally seen as a season of happiness and goodwill, but we know that where people drink more alcohol, which does traditionally happen over the festive period, violence has a tendency to increase.

"Domestic abuse happens year round, and we are constantly working to combat it, but we feel a specific, targeted campaign is regrettable but necessary to combat the problem at this time of year."

The campaign inolves: Specialist Domestic Abuse (DA) officers on duty at peak times to provide advice and assistance Risk assessment in all DA cases Improved evidence gathering such as use of cameras, forensic examination and video interviewing Improved decision making to include use of risk assessment to help key processes such as charge and bail decisions Targeting of prolific offenders including bail restrictions and bail checks Referral to Gloucestershire Domestic Violence Support and Advocacy Project and support services High risk cases to be referred to MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) Raising awareness in hard to reach groups to increase reporting Anyone who experiences domestic abuse should contact police on 0845 090 1234 or the Gloucestershire Domestic Violence and Advocacy Project on 01452 500115.