Police investigating a report of a man behaving suspiciously in Yate have reviewed CCTV and found no suspicious or criminal behaviour.

Footage shows a man on the footpath between the bushes near the crossing point. He is walking to and fro while talking on the phone.

His call ends as a woman approaches and he walks back towards Tesco before walking briskly towards and past the woman in the opposite direction to her. She is clearly startled but there is no interaction between them.

Neighbourhood Sergeant Terry Murphy said: "After reviewing the entire incident on CCTV we're satisfied that there was no criminal or suspicious intent in this man's actions. We've spoken to the lady, who was alarmed at the time but now accepts there was nothing to be concerned about.

"We've also spoken to a handful of other women who have contacted us following social media and news reports of the incident and again no criminal behaviour has been disclosed.

"We understand that this sort of report is worrying, but people can be reassured that we've investigated this incident and found nothing of concern.

"Yate remains a safe place to live and we're here to work with you to make sure it stays that way. 

"Yate shopping centre has been of great assistance to us in helping us progress this investigation with its CCTV and security team proving to be invaluable."