Cotswold Journal - Memorials

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Death Notice

Marion Mersching

Published on 31/10/2024

formerly of Evendene Road, Hampton, passed away on Saturday 26th October 2024 aged 90. Wife to the late Geoff, parted for 31 years.
A much loved Mother, Mother in Law and Grandmother.Join us for a celebration of her life on
Friday 15th November, 10am at the Vale Crematorium, please wear bright colours.Family flowers only and donations if desired are for the Alzheimer’s Society and may be sent
c/o Martin Grinnell Funeral Services, 1 Bewdley Street, Evesham, WR11 4AD, Tel: 01386 422233


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Fran Cull November 1st, 2024
Don’t quite know where to start… Marion was my senior when I started Boots in 1962. She was Miss Smith then, and held the respect of all the girls.
Such a lovely, fair and kind person, I have such happy memories of her and Geoff. Rest in peace Marion. Deepest condolences to your girls.