WORCESTERSHIRE County Council highways department has at last commented on the planning application for the proposed Waitrose store in Merstow Green.

They have said that the nearby Abbey Road/Waterside junction is over capacity and therefore measures must be taken to reduce the additional traffic generated by the store. They propose amending the store’s travel plan, which deals with the journeys to the store by shoppers and staff.

So far, so good. We can all agree about the state of the Abbey Road junction, with traffic queuing back on the approaches at many times of the day. But what would be in the travel plan?

Normally it would include measures to get people out of their cars onto sustainable transport, bikes and buses. This is right in line with county council policy.

How do we get people onto bikes? By making cycle journeys safer, more attractive and quicker. By providing such things as cycle lanes along main roads.

So can anyone explain to me why the long-promised and much-needed cycle lane over Abbey Bridge has now been abandoned?

There is lots of space for it and the cost would be minimal. Any explanation would be helpful!

Colin Tether

Vale of Evesham Civic Society