IT is sad to see the editor of the Journal take so little account of the glories of our surroundings.

Just because there is plenty of space for solar panels is no reason to site them in full view of the most highly protected landscape in Wychavon.

Bredon Hill is a much-loved feature used extensively by locals and visitors.

The Wychavon Way diverts to its summit. And where do you find all these people when they get there? Along the summit, looking down over Great Comberton and Pershore.

In this view the proposed solar farm would appear larger than the villages of Great and Little Comberton.

Eye-level screening and additional planting would do nothing to mitigate the impact of 57,000 solar panels facing you.

If this view is not safe, why do we bother with planning controls and designations?

The place for solar panels is on factory roofs and in industrial areas where the power is available close to use, and we are not taking up farmland, of which, incidentally, we also have a shortage looming.

Kate Collingwood

Great Comberton