Regarding David Way’s letter (April 17) “Who to vote for?” about uncontrolled housing development.

The problem is short-termism, compounded by party politics dominating local politics.

The Coalition seeks instant growth statistics for their 2015 election campaign.

Housing growth may seem an attractive gambit but should be for the long term.

Any perceptive person wouldn’t even consider the current policy of “stack 'em high and make em cheap” allowed to developers.

Combined with financially stretched buyers pump-primed by taxpayer loans, it’s no answer for a sustainable community.

We need to be building houses, but in the right places, homes as sustainable as the new Rooftop Housing ones in North Littleton.

If Westminster accepted the overwhelming evidence and became serious about tackling a “potential green disaster” they would rise above party political posturing, and take cross-party planning to a level not seen since the Second World War.

Only then would they jointly be able to manage the powerful vested interests of fossil fuel lobbyists, our large energy firms, corporate development entrepreneurs and all of their media mouthpieces.

Talk to your MP, they should represent you first and their party whip second.

Michael T Parker
