PRESIDENT Brian Ireland opened this week’s meeting with news of members and Bob Young congratulated Bill Underwood for organising last week’s splendid outing to the Severn Valley Railway.

John Bromley of Cheltenham was our speaker and his subject was the joy of metal detecting. Supported by his PowerPoint presentation, he described enthusiastically the equipment he uses and the terrain he examines. He explained the regulations and legal requirements that are involved and stressed the need to get the appropriate permissions, particularly from landowners.

Whilst some metal detectorists indulge in this hobby for personal profit, John is clearly much more interested in researching history through his finds. These have included pre-historic relics as well as many Roman and Saxon coins. Regrettably, and much to the dismay of those on Pat Sparrow’s table, he wasn't able to tell us where the Evesham Hoard might be found!

He said he was often called upon to help search for missing personal possessions like rings for instance and he and his fellow enthusiasts are happy to help. His hobby helps him meet a wide variety of people, including some from America, and he has made many new friends in this way.

Following a number of questions, Francis Smith thanked John on our behalf.

On 2 June we shall hear more about the English Archer and his Longbow followed on 9 June about the real Dad’s Army.