What really inspires you?

If it is sport, there are loads of opportunities at the moment to be either inspired (or depressed) at the moment. The World Cup (unless you are Spain or England – but how about the Holland or Costa Rica?). The rugby series against the All Blacks. Yes we lost, but we are getting better! Andy Murray and Wimbledon. The cricket?

We all get our inspiration from different places. Stephen Sutton and his fantastic example of positivity as death approached. The awesome stories that are being told of heroism and endurance during the First World War. Three of my great-uncles died during the Great War and my grandmother used to tell me stories of them.

When I first became a Christian at the age of 19, it was Jesus himself who became my inspiration. He did great miracles, especially healing – yes. But why? Because he loved people. He touched lepers, cared for the despised and gave dead children back to parents who needed them. He told the poor and downtrodden that they were princes in God’s Kingdom. He told children that they could show adults the way to relate to God his Father. And at his death he asked God to forgive his executioners. I follow him unashamedly.

So who or what inspires you? Sport is great, but is it enough? Human heroes are amazing. My hero is out of this world, but he came and lived and died here for me and you.