We were delighted to welcome Clare Lording to our meeting in March. Many of us see Clare riding around town on her bicycle happily smiling at passers by, or walking her greyhound dog.

She gave us a good insight into her calling to serve in the Ministry. This started when she was at Primary School in Spalding, offering to help out with any little event at her Local Church of England.

Her secondary education at Bishops of Hereford Bluecoat School allowed the continuation of her service in Church greatly supported by her parents.

After teacher training women were now being accepted as Priests and Clare began the long selection process to be admitted. Another degree followed, this time Theology.

All her training and experiences over the years have led her to Pershore and we are the beneficiaries. Thank you Clare.

Our next meeting will be held at 2pm on Tuesday, April 3 at The Civic Centre and Tony Caldwell will talk to us about Trekking in The Himalayas. We have welcomed a few new members and would be very happy to have more. Contact Marian on 550177 for further details.