THIS month’s meeting was chaired by vice president Frances Stretton in place of president Val Davies.

When all the business had been dealt with we sat back to enjoy our speaker of the evening, Marion Punt, whose subject was entitled Sugarcraft Wobblies.

This involved the making of small models mainly from sugar paste, pipe cleaners and cocktail sticks etc.

Marion explained in great detail what was involved and proceeded to start. She rolled out a small amount of sugar paste and shaped it into a cone shape which was to form the main body and then added a smaller amount for the head.

Arms and legs followed made from coloured pipe cleaners, and before our very eyes, step by step, our little model was beginning to emerge. I have never heard Littleton WI Ladies so quiet as we were all engrossed in what Marion was doing. You could have heard a pin drop.

The final product was fantastic and looked almost lifelike.

As usual after a lovely supper, we all had a chance to look in great detail at the other little sugarcraft models which Marion had brought along with her and the one that she had made that evening went into our raffle and was won by member Eileen Meads.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, May 14, at Littleton Village Hall at 7.30pm. This is the resolution evening followed by a talk on Dementia by Janice Laverick.